Carrying out administrative procedures

We are by your side in this difficult time

In the context of handling the bureaucratic procedures and formalities that arise after death, the Alpha-Omega Funeral Home offers you the following services:
Complete and individual advice on all issues related to burial procedures
Support before, during, and after death
Planning and arrangement of all necessary meetings
Gathering of all the required documents for the funeral (death certificate, etc.)
Handling the administrative duties concerning the Registry of the place of death and that of the deceased’s residence, alongside the certification procedures.
Verbal and written notification to the cemetery administration
Verbal and written communication of the death to the relevant parish’s staff
Ordering all flowers and wreaths according to the customer’s choices.
Coordination of flower and wreath orders.
Report the death to newspapers and other media according to the client’s preferences.
Consultation with the client and intervention with the florist and the stonemason.
Meeting with the client to evaluate all suitable locations where coffee will be served after the funeral ceremony.
Furthermore, we undertake all the bureaucratic formalities, including collecting the necessary documents related to the international transport of bodies.

Of course, it remains solely at your discretion which of the above services you will eventually choose and to what extent you will decide to implement them. We are eager to offer our experience to you and enable you to make the right decisions. Before and after the funeral, we stand by you, constantly providing you with the services you have chosen.

We are aware that the decisions you make are an essential step in dealing with the mourning stages. We speak your language and, from personal experience, we share your concerns and understand your needs. We are Greeks, we sympathize with you, and we will do our best to satisfy your necessities and requests in every detail. Whatever worries you, we are at your disposal.

Whatever concerns you, we are at your disposal.

If you just want to get to know us, if you are seeking information regarding the preparation and the burial items or if you need an experienced, consistent, and qualified guide and facilitator, do not hesitate to contact us at any time by phone or email.

Contact us

Contact us at:

+49 15 14 13 000 13
+49 151 413 000 16
+49 89 500 77 700

or send an email
to the following address: